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Svetlana Neretina
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Nanomaterials for energy applications; Nanofabrication; Plasmonic Nanomaterials; Catalysis

Glen Niebur
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Director, Bioengineering Graduate Program
Areas of Interest
Biomechanics, solid mechanics, computational mechanics

John Ott
Associate Teaching Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Timothy Ovaert
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Tribology, high-temperature tribomaterials, nanomechanical characterization, biomaterials, biomechanics, manufacturing, mechanical component design

Samuel Paolucci
Professor Emeritus, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Mark Plecnik
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Computational mechanism design, robot kinematics, homotropy-based root finding

Joseph Powers
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Combustion, high speed fluid mechanics, thermochemistry, computational science, applied mathematics, verification and validation of computational predictions

R. Mark Rennie
Research Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Aero-optics, fluid dynamics, flow control, wind-tunnel modeling, design and testing

Ryan K. Roeder
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Biomaterials, biomechanics, material science, mechanical behavior, photon-counting spectral computed tomography, nanoparticles, scaffolds

Matthew Rosenberger
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Nanoscience; atomic force microscopy; two-dimensional materials; nanomaterials for sensing, electronics, and energy applications