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Hafiz Atassi
Viola D. Hank Professor Emeritus, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Robert Bernhard
Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Gianluca Blois
Research Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Experimental modeling of porous media, fluid-structure interaction

Edgar Bolívar-Nieto
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Wearable robots, exoskeletons, lower-limb robotic prostheses, controls, and optimization

Joshua Cameron
Director, Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory
Concurrent Research Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Margaret Coad
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Robot design and modeling, soft robotics, bioinspired robotics, field robotics, human-in-the-loop control, and physical human-robot interaction

Thomas Corke
Clark Equipment Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Fluid mechanics, turbulent flows, boundary layers, wakes and jets

Meenal Datta
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Tumor microenvironment, cancer immunotherapy, mechano-immunology, drug delivery

David Go
Viola D. Hank Professor and Chair, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Plasma science and engineering, heat transfer and energy conversion, microfluidics and sprays

Craig Goehler
Associate Teaching Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Biomechanics, musculoskeletal modeling and simulation, human-robot interaction, robotic manipulator kinematics, mechanism analysis and synthesis, computer aided design (CAD)