David Go

Professor David Go

Viola D. Hank Professor and Chair, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering






140G McCourtney Hall

Areas of Interest

In the Go Research Group, we study fundamentals and applications of charge, fluid, and energy transport and their many combinations. We approach these topics theoretically, computationally, and experimentally, ranging from basic phenomena to technology development.

Areas of interest include:

  • Plasma science and engineering for applications, including catalysis, electrochemistry, energy conversion, and electrohydrodynamics
  • Thermal modeling and analysis in advanced and additive manufacturing and for thermal energy conversion
  • Microfluidics and sprays for biological analysis for cancer diagnosis, therapeutics, and health monitoring




Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2008
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 2004
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 2001


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Jan 01, 1970